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This page is the home of Richard Kellerman's Daily Soaring Weather Forecast.
When good soaring conditions are expected in the Delaware/Hudson Valley Corridor, you will find the latest SE PA soaring forecast on top of this page. 

This section of the page will provide links to Aviation weather resources of use in planning flight activities:

Local Soaring Forecasts by Richard Kellerman (scroll down for prior forecasts)


VT Aug 22 18Z

We should have soarable conditions by early PM provided the high cloud dissipates. Expect generally weak conditons with cu at about 4,000 ft msl.

VT Aug 15 2020 1200Z

Not much of a soaring day but decent conditions for training with pleasant conditions on the ground and a 10 kt East wind.  Mid- and high level clouds will be a factor all day, cu seem unlikely.

We will be operating on R06 - always problematical and recently the cause for rare complaints from the N57 management.  Please exercise extreme caution and keep all personnel and equipment as far back from the runway as possible.

Sunday Forecast VT 2020-06-014 1600Z

Another nice day, another R06 day, another blue day, and another 4,500 ft day.  In other words pretty much a rerun of Saturday.  One difference is that we could see some mid-level cloud.

Once more - please keep all people and equipment as far away from the runway as possible.


Still a pretty good day but a couple of notes of caution:  Winds will start NW, about 10 kts and back to West during the day so ridges don't look like an option.  Cu my be slow to appear, particularly to the South.  OD becomes a threat late afternoon, more so to the north.

Sunday remains on track with my initial forecast.

QV 2020-05-30 1145Z

Looks like a pretty good weekend ahead.  Cold front should clear early Saturday bringing NW winds by about 0900h local.  Ridge won't be strong, and will weaken to marginal by noon. Probably plenty of cloud until late morning by which time bases should be about 3,500 ft msl rising to about 6,000 by late afternoon.

Sunday winds veer and strengthen giving a decent local ridge all day.  Bases probably closer to 5,000 than 6,000.
Monday also loooks OK.
Expect an update Friday.
QV 2020-05-28 2240Z